Easter Sunday, April 8 No Sunday School 6:00am Easter Sunrise Service 9:45am Childcare (for ages 5 and under) 10:00am Holy Eucharist with Special Easter Music 11:00am Easter Egg Hunt for the children in the churchyard (K-6) Refreshments on the front lawn 2:30pm Christ the King Easter Lunch & Egg Hunt 4:30pm Christ the King Service Monday, April 9 Office Closed 8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers) Tuesday, April 10 7:00pm Stitch’n Chat at Peggy Scott’s Home Wednesday, April 11 7:30pm Zumba Thursday, April 12 6:30pm Junior Choir 7:30pm Adult Choir Friday, April 13 8:00pm Yoga 9:30pm Hills & Falls Movement Class 12:00pm Hills & Falls Staff Meeting – Chapter Room Sunday, April 15 No Church School 8:00am Holy Eucharist – The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 9:45am Childcare Provided 10:00am Holy Eucharist – The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 11:00am Coffee Hour 4:30pm Christ the King
Calendar for week of April 8, 2012