Thanks to all of the painters who did such a great job!
Sunday, September 16
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
9:45am Sunday School
and Registration
10:00am Holy Eucharist
Installation of WSM
11:00am All Parish Barbecue
4:30pm Christ the King
Monday, September 17
8:30am Yoga
8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers)
Tuesday, September 18
Diocesan Clergy Day
7:30pm Vestry Meeting
Thursday, September 20
2:30pm Clergy Meeting
6:30pm Junior Choir
7:30pm Adult Choir
Friday, September 21
8:00am Yoga
Saturday, September 22
1:00pm Memorial Service
Don Cullison
Sunday, September 23
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
9:45am Sunday School
10:00am Morning Prayer
11:00am Coffee Hour
11:15am Music Planning Committee
4:30pm Christ the King