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Christian Education Update

Church School – 9:30 a.m. Children and youth will have their classes in the Parish Hall. Children and youth are always welcome to remain with their parents in the sanctuary for the entirety of the service. Church School begins at 9:30 a.m. for children who would like to hear stories and play games and sing songs with other children. The Godly Play class is for kids age 5 to grade 5, and the youth class is for grade 6 through high school. Both classrooms will rejoin their parents for Eucharist.

Nursery Care Begins on September 29 As we continue to seek to serve the families in our congregation, we’ve realized that we need to offer nursery care for our youngest kids. We are putting together a rotation of volunteers so that we can have a nursery while ensuring that everyone who serves can still attend the service most weeks. Children will learn how much we love them every single week. Starting September 29, we plan to offer a nursery available each week for kids infant to age 4. Nursery care will start at 9:45 a.m .and go through the service. To make sure this is consistent each week, we will all work together to make sure the Nursery always has two adults serving. At, you’ll find a single signup form for the Church School and the Nursery. You will be able to pick a day that fits your schedule and you’ll have the option of choosing Church School or Nursery.

Acolyte Retreat/All-Parent Retreat – Saturday, October 26 from 2-4 p.m.Sometimes in the busyness of life, we don’t stop to rest or reflect on what we are doing. This retreat is designed to help us take a breath and reconnect with why we come to church. Acolytes will gain the confidence and skills they need to serve at the altar. We will reflect on what being an acolyte means to each of us. All kids with an interest in the acolyte program are invited to come, even if they just want to “try it on” before they make a commitment. Parents get the opportunity to take a break in their week, getting a rest from the hustle and bustle of life. We will get to use spiritual practices to rest and rejuvenate while we reflect on spirituality. This will be a rich retreat and a wonderful time to connect with each other and God. Whether you come once a week or once a season, you are welcome to come here and take a moment to find new life this fall. Childcare will be provided

Kids Sacristy Tour – Saturday October 26 from 2 – 2:45 p.m.Last Sunday in Church School, we learned about the colors of the Church Year. One thing we wondered about was where the colors in church live when we don’t see them. All children are invited to a tour of the Sacristy–that place where we keep all of the special cloths and dishes for worship. After some opening worship and prayer, Catherine Catchpole, the Directress of the Altar Guild will be showing us all around so that we discover what happens on Saturday (or another day) to help us get ready for Sunday. All children are invited

Introduction to Church School Webinar – Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m.Andrew is offering a virtual introduction to Church School so that you can watch from your home! This is for all congregants, and especiall parents, so you can learn about what our youth and children will be doing this year. Click the “Webinar on Youth and Children’s Programs” button at

Parents GroupsParents have the opportunity to connect with other parents every month in different ways. In Parent’s Community, reflect on parenting and find support from others on the same journey. In Parents Council, reflect on the programs at St. Mary’s as we minister together. Mark these dates on your calendar and plan to hear more next week. Next Parents Community: Tuesday, October 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the ChurchNext Parents Council: Wednesday, October 9 at 8 p.m. online (link at

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