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Holiday Outreach Opportunities at St. Mary’s


Advent Mitten Tree – Mittens & Hats Needed for the Homeless With the cold weather fast approaching, please remember those who are less fortunate. Again this year, we will be collecting new hats, mittens, scarves and gloves for adults and children during the Advent season.  These will be donated to the Massachusetts General Hospital’s agency for the homeless.  They are most grateful for your generosity.  The mitten tree is in the hallway outside of the Chapter Room.


Help for Rosie’s Place – Due Date for Gifts Changed to Monday, December 14. Rosie’s Place, a shelter for poor and homeless women, is again seeking our help during the Christmas season.  Needed are full-sized bath and body gift sets (body gel, body wash, body spray, shampoo or lotion).  In addition, they are also asking for $25 gift cards to CVS, Walgreens, Old Navy, Target, or Payless.  With our help, last year 500 women were provided a gift who may not have received one.Rosie’s Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization who receive no federal or state funding. Gift cards may be left in the church office and a collection box for toiletries will be placed by the bulletin board.  The due date for gifts is Friday, December 11.


Food Pantry Collection – Fill the Red Wagon As you shop this week, could you add a few items  to your cart?  Specifically the food pantry is in need of shelf stable milk, canned meals (stews, soups, lasagna etc.) and canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken and ham).  We’ll be collecting the food in our red wagon which will be parked in the hallway outside of the church office. Thanks!

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