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Margaret Schwarzer’s Surgery

On January 3rd, Margaret finished Sunday services and went skating with her son, Ben. They had a great time, but after the hot chocolate was drunk, Margaret took a spill on the ice and broke her wrist. To set it right, she needs surgery and a six-to-eight week recovery period. During most of that time, she will continue to serve as our Interim Priest, but her surgery will take place on Tuesday January 12th at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and she will spend a few days at home recovering.

While Margaret is recovering this week, The Reverend Mr. Todd Miller will be covering pastoral emergencies for her. He is the priest at Trinity Church, Newton Center, and you can reach him at his office – 617-527-2790 or home – 617-527-2908.

Todd is covering pastoral emergencies between Tuesday and Sunday morning, but Margaret is planning to be back in the office on Thursday. She will also be in church this Sunday.

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