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Middle School Age Youth Programs with Other Local Parishes

The Episcopal churches in our local area have planned a series of joint youth events for this coming year. As the following letter explains:

Dear Friends,

Attached is a poster featuring the five events planned by the Charles River Deanery Youth Collaborative for Middle School aged kids, for the 2008-2009 program year. The theme is world hunger and the title is Jesus said “Feed My Sheep.” The first event is a Hunger Banquet at Christ Church in Needham on Friday evening, September 26th from 6pm to 8pm. Your youth ministers and liaisons should already have received this poster, but please pass it along to anyone and everyone whom you think might be interested in participating. We are hoping for a whopping big turnout! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks. Peace,

If you have an interest in participating through St. Mary’s, please contact Jeff Hughes, our middle school class lead teacher.

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