Sunday, March 29
8:00am Holy Eucharist
8:30am All-Parish Breakfast
9:45am Childcare
Sunday School
Note: The children will first start in Parish Hall with their parents,
and then continue to their class with their teacher after the palm procession.
10:00am Palm Sunday – Holy Eucharist
11:00am Coffee Hour
11:15am Cradles to Crayon Ingathering
11:15am Choir Rehearsal
4:00pm Christ the King
Monday, March 30
8:30am Yoga
9:30am Piano Tuner
8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers)
Wednesday, April 1
7:30pm Tenebrae Service
Thursday, April 2
9:30am CTK – Chapter Room
4:30pm Miracle Kitchen
5:30pm Junior Choir
6:30pm Adult Choir
7:30pm Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 3
Office Closed
12:00pm Way of the Cross
7:30pm Good Friday Liturgy
Sunday, April 5 – Easter Day
6:15am Easter Sunrise Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist
with Special Music
11:00am Easter Egg Hunt on Lawn
& Refreshments
4:00pm Christ the King Easter Service