PALM SUNDAY Sunday, April 1 8:00am Holy Eucharist 9:45am Childcare 9:45am Sunday School (Starts in church then leave with teacher to class after the palm procession). 10:00am Holy Eucharist 11:00am Coffee 11:15am Choir Rehearsal Sanctuary 4:30pm Christ the King Monday, April 2 8:30am Yoga Class 2:00pm Staff Meeting 8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers) Tuesday, April 3 9:30am Holy Eucharist 10:00am WSM Board Meeting Wednesday, April 4 7:30pm Tenebrae Service Thursday, April 5 5:30pm Junior Choir 6:30pm Adult Choir 7:30pm Maundy Thursday Service Friday, April 6 office closed 12:00pm Way of the Cross 7:30pm Good Friday Liturgy Sunday, April 8 – Easter Day 6:00am Easter Sunrise Service 10:00am Holy Eucharist with Special Music 11:00am Easter Egg Hunt on Lawn & Refreshments 2:30pm Christ the King Lunch & Easter Egg Hunt 4:30pm Christ the King Easter Service
St. Mary’s Calendar for Week of April 1