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Update from Biloxi, Mississippi

The Rev. Jane Bearden, the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts priest in residence in Biloxi, has sent along the link to her blog which she is updating daily. Below is the link as well as an excerpt from this weekend’s post.

“What will I pray tonight… I wonder about those who are homebound and who have no access to news. I am sure there are some even with the door to door warning. I pray that they will be safe. But you know I mostly pray that they will not be afraid. Life is hard sometimes and right now it seems especially hard. I pray that we will all feel the warmth and the strength of God’s presence and that we will act as Christ to those with whom we work and wait. I pray for patience as I help people into the shelter and I pray for the safety of those who are traveling. I give thanks that I am doing exactly what I want to be doing right now. I am serving and loving those to whom I have come as priest. I give thanks for Bishop Bud’s phone call. It lifted my spirits. I give thanks for Helen and her technology and for all those who have emailed and called and expressed concern. I know that God will watch over us in the coming hours. “Comfort every sufferer watching late in pain, those who plan some evil from their sin restrain. Through the long night watches may thine angels spread, their white wings above me watching round my bed. When the morning wakens, then may I arise Pure and fresh and sinless in thy holy eyes…”

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