Sunday, June 22 8:00am Holy Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 9:45am Childcare 10:00am Holy Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 11:00am Punch-on-the-Lawn 4:00pm Episcopal Mission Group meets in Parish Hall (Ted Gaiser) 7:00pm Newton Country Players Rehearsal in Parish Hall
Please Note: The church office will be closed on Monday June 22 and reopen on Thursday, June 25.
Punch on the Lawn We are in need of Punch-on-the-lawn hosts. We are in need for hosts for July 6, 20, 27 for the month of July. Please see bulletin board for sign-up. Thanks for your help!
Summer Services We will have one Holy Eucharist service at 10:00am starting on July 6. The 8:00am services will resume in September.