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parish life

St. Mary's hosts many community activities throughout the year.


We look forward to fun occasions such as our biannual picnics and the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. We also host intentional intergenerational events, like making Valentine’s Day cards and Christmas ornaments.


After the Sunday 10am service, many of our parishioners enjoy meeting new people and talking with long-time friends during the weekly coffee hour. The community also enjoys all-ages bingo or trivia nights on occasion.


Maybe you’d enjoy checking out our monthly Stitch-n-Chat, during which participants share stories in a relaxed atmosphere while progressing with their own needlework or knitting. Visit our online calendar to make sure you find out about opportunities to kick back, relax, and meet new and long-time friends at Saint Mary’s.


You can also keep abreast of our community events by signing up for our weekly eNewsletter.


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