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St. Mary's is led by many dedicated people who dedicate their time and energy to the spiritual development of the congregation and the outreach of the church in the community. 

The Reverend Ann Bonner-Stewart, Rector

The Reverend Ann Bonner-Stewart accepted our call to be our new rector in November, 2019. Ann is returning to the area after serving as chaplain at Saint Mary's School, an independent Episcopal all-girls boarding and day high school, in Raleigh, North Carolina since 2009. She was originally ordained in Boston in 2006. The Rev. Bonner-Stewart was born in and raised in South Carolina. She attended Duke University, where she earned a degree in Economics and studied abroad in China and France. After college, Ann moved to Boston to be in the third cohort of Micah interns in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. As a Micah intern, she served at Saint Mary's Episcopal Church in Dorchester, who sponsored her for ordination. She earned a Master of Divinity, summa cum laude, from Yale Divinity School and a certificate in Anglican Studies from the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. Ann was ordained to the transitional diaconate in June 2006 at the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul in Boston. Ann's first parish call was as associate rector at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Greenville, North Carolina, where she introduced new worship services and created new systems for communication and administration. Ann has also served as a hospital chaplain in Bridgeport, Conn.; a guest theology instructor in Maseno, Kenya; and on the staff of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, Texas.

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The Rev. Andrew Heintz, Director of Christian Education

Andrew Heintz oversees all youth ministry programs at St. Mary’s. He is passionate about helping kids meet God in prayer and worship. Having taught Godly Play with children and adults since 2017, he loves imaginatively entering the stories of our faith and inviting others to do the same.

Andrew received his Master of Divinity degree from the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and his Master of Sacred Theology at Chicago Theological Seminary. Andrew is an ordained UCC minister and serves in the community as a hospice chaplain. He also teaches yoga and has a private Spiritual Direction practice.

Originally from Oxford, North Carolina, Andrew loves living in Boston. He enjoys hiking, reading, and playing music.


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Kirsten Johnson, Director of Music

Kirsten Johnson has been the Director of Music at St. Mary’s since 1992. She oversees all music programs, is the organist, and conducts the Adult and Junior Choirs. A native of Minnesota, she is a graduate of St. Olaf College and the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale Divinity School. She has a passion for liturgy and worship and enjoys making music with parishioners of all ages. Kirsten and her husband Jeff have two adult sons and in her spare time she enjoys singing, swimming, knitting, and traveling with her family.

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Cailin Smith, Communications and Administrative Assistant

As the administrative assistant, Cailin coordinates publications, calendars, and record keeping.  As the primary office support for the church, Cailin is available to answer any questions you have and can forward any questions to any other member of the St. Mary's leadership team.

Cailin has called Massachusetts home for three years since moving to Cambridge to pursue a Master of  Music degree at the Longy School of Music. In addition to being a professional classical vocalist and voice pedagogue, Cailin has held a variety of positions in educational and administrative capacities, including at the Aspen Music Festival and School and Port Discovery Children's Museum. 



In addition to our professional staff, a Vestry consisting of elected parish members assists the Rector with the operational oversight of the church. This includes financial oversight, capital projects, property management, and overseeing various operating committees.

Vestry and Officers 2024

Michael Pacinda, Senior Warden

Melita Holtey, Junior Warden

Amanda Yeo, Clerk

Cécile Tucker, Treasurer

Brock Bair, Julie Gilbert, Kyle Marchesseault (2027)

Lynn Farnell, Jeffrey Hughes, Rob Landry (2026)

Ariel Acuña, Lucille Rossignol, Charlie Stover (2025)



Lynn Farnell


Delegates to the Diocesan Convention

Jeffrey Hughes

Ann Wessel

St. Mary's Episcopal Church

258 Concord Street

Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462

(617) 527-4769

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