For those unable to attend the Annual Meeting on January 27, 2008, here are electronic copies of the documents from the meeting.
Wardens’ Report (distributed prior to the Annual Meeting): Junior%20Warden%20Letter%202008.pdf
Wardens’ Presentation: St.%20Mary%27s%20Annual%20Meeting%202008.pdf
Consolidated Committee Reports: Consolidated%20Committee%20Reports%202008.pdf
2007 Budget vs. Actual and 2008 Proposed Budget: Budget%202007-2008.pdf
Detailed Outreach Committee Report (in Excel format): 2007%20Outreach%20Report%20for%20Jan%202008.xls
UPDATED SEPTEMBER 13, 2008: The meeting minutes from the annual meeting can be downloaded from the link below. Note these are preliminary and need to be formally approved at the 2009 annual meeting.