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9/11 Remembrance Service – Memorial Circle at 9:00 a.m.

Next week marks the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001. On Sunday the 11th, we will mark this anniversary with a service of prayer and remembrance in St. Mary’s Memorial Circle at 9:00 a.m. This quiet service will seek to allow space to remember those who lost their lives and give thanks for all those who responded to the tragedy. –George

God’s Gift in the Midst of Violence

The world trembles out of control. The violence builds, some by terrorism, some by greed dressed up as policy; violence on every side.

You, in the midst of the out-of-control violence. We confess you steadfast, loyal, reliable, But we wonder if you yourself are engaged in brutality. We confess you to be governor and ruler, but we wonder how you manage.

We in the midst of out-of-control violence, we in great faith, we in deep vocational call, we in several anxieties. We—alongside you—in the trembling.

This day we pray for freedom to move beyond fear to caring, beyond self to neighbor, beyond protection to growth. That we may be a sign of steadfastness, That anxiety may not win the day.

You are the one who said, “Do not be anxious.” And now we submit to you.

-Walter Brueggemann

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