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Holiday Toy Drive for Rosie’s Place

Can you help? – Another opportunity for St. Mary’s to participate in The Holiday Toy Drive for Rosie’s Place.

Rosie’s Place has 240 children on their list this year. We provide 4 NEW toys per child and they (along with wrapping paper) are distributed to their mother/guardian who wraps these toys for their children, thus providing a happy Christmas for both mother who has the great pleasure of giving to her own child and child who receives the magic of Christmas. While shopping for children on your list, would you consider buying extra gifts for the precious children of Rosie’s Place? We are mostly in need of toys for children 4-10 years old and the cost of the toys should be about $15.

As you might be aware, since it founding by Kip Tiernan in 1974, Rosie’s Place has provided a safe and nurturing environment that helps poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives. Rosie’s Place currently is home to 50 women, living in 4 homes. In addition, RP provides advocacy for countless additional women for whom these toys are earmarked for. Rosie’s Place relies solely on the generous support of individuals, foundations and corporations and does not accept any city, state or federal funding. The toys can be dropped off in the narthex of the church. Please drop them off by December 9 when they are to be sorted and put in a “store” for the women THANK YOU!!

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