This January, The Reverend Ted Gaiser, a deacon in the Diocese of Massachusetts, will move to Colombia in South America to begin work as a missionary. Ted’s work in Colombia will draw on his business background as he works with the bishop and diocese there to strengthen their financial position. He’ll also be building up an English-speaking congregation while pursuing ordination to the priesthood. Ted anticipates remaining in Colombia for several years. Missionaries sponsored by the Episcopal Church are not paid, but are required to raise sufficient funds to cover all of their expenses for the time they will be away. On Saturday, December 3, from 3:00-8:00 pm, Trinity Parish of Newton Centre will host a “Fair Trade” sale of crafts from Central and South America, Palestine and Africa, the proceeds of which will go to support Ted’s ministry. Come and shop – and eat (food will be from the Camino Real Colombian restaurant in Allston) – to help support Ted!
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