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Women of St. Mary’s Outing on Tuesday, June 2

Please mark your calendars for our annual Spring Outing. This year we will go to the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard (MA). This is a 200 acre site including an original farmhouse, the world’s first Shaker Museum, a Native American gallery, lovely grounds, a museum shop and a Tea Room. We will plan to tour the facility and have lunch in the Tea Room at noon. There will be a car pool departing from St. Mary’s at 10:00 a.m. (not 9:00am as originally scheduled) and returning at approximately 2:00 p.m. This outing is open to all; please invite your family, neighbor or friends. It is certain to be a lovely day. There is a sign-up sheet in the parish hall. If you have questions, please contact Peggy Scott 617 367-0061.

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Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462

(617) 527-4769

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