For those unable to attend the Annual Meeting on January 27, 2008, here are electronic copies of the documents from the meeting. The minutes, 2009 budget, and committee reports were all approved at the meeting.
Agenda for the Annual Meeting: 2009_Agenda.pdf
Minutes from 2008 Annual Meeting (to be approved): 2008_Annual_Meeting_Minutes.pdf
Wardens’ Report (distributed prior to the Annual Meeting): Wardens_Report_2009_Jan_07.pdf
2008 Budget vs. Actual and 2009 Proposed Budget: 2008_and_2009_budget.pdf
Committee Reports: 2009_Investment_Committee.pdf 2009_Membership.pdf 2009_Music.pdf 2009_Property.pdf 2009_Women_of_St_Marys.pdf 2009_Rectors_Report_and_Register.pdf 2008_Outreach_Detail.xls (Excel format) 2009_Christian_Education.pdf 2009_Nominating_Committee.pdf 2009_Stewardship.pdf
UPDATE MARCH 4, 2009: Below are the (unapproved) minutes from the 2009 annual meeting. Minutes will be formally approved at the 2010 annual meeting.