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Backpack & School Supply Drive at St. Mary’s

Once again this summer St. Mary’s is partnering with the New Falls Apartments for a Backpack and School Supply Drive.  Tags with ages and genders of children in need of a backpack are located in the hallway outside the Chapter room.

Additionally, these students and students we assisted last year with new backpacks are in need of supplies.  In consultation with area teachers, we’ve assembled a list of items that will help get the students we’re assisting off to a good start.

As you see back to school bargains, please pick up some of these items to add to our collection box in the office.   We’re collecting backpacks and school supplies until Sunday, August 30.  Thanks in advance for your help!

St. Mary’s School Supply Shopping List #2 pencils composition books (they are black and white) 2 pocket folders black or blue pens glue sticks rulers crayons markers binders – 1 in and 2 inch spiral notebooks – 1 & 3 subject erasers packs of dividers

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