Easter Sunday, April 24 5:30am Easter Sunrise Service – The Reverend George Stevens No Sunday School 9:45am Childcare 10:00am Holy Eucharist & Special Easter Music The Reverend George Stevens 11:00am Easter Egg Hunt for children (K-6) in the churchyard Refreshments for all near the tree 1:30pm Christ the King Easter Potluck 4:30pm Christ the King Easter Service Monday, April 25 Office Closed 8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers) Tuesday, April 26 7:30pm Vestry Meeting Wednesday, April 27 6:30pm Sharing a New Song Thursday, April 28 6:30pm Junior Choir 7:30pm Adult Choir Saturday, April 30 10:00am Diocesan Missions Team Meets in Chapter Room Sunday, May 1 – UTO Sunday 8:00am Holy Eucharist The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 9:45am Childcare Provided 9:45am Sunday School (K-5) 10:00am Holy Eucharist The Reverend Gwen Buehrens 11:00am Coffee Hour 4:30pm Christ the King 6:00pm Confirmation Class
Calendar for the Week of April 24, 2011