St. Mary’s Picnic is coming! Sunday, June 10. Please join us!
Calendar for the Upcoming Week Sunday, June 3 8:00am Holy Eucharist 9:45am Childcare 9:45am Sunday School 10:00am Holy Eucharist 11:00am Coffee 4:30pm Christ the King Monday, June 4 8:30am Yoga 12:45am Staff Meeting 8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers) Tuesday, June 5 WSM Outing to Icon Museum Thursday, June 7 9:30am CTK – Chapter Rm. 4:30pm Miracle Kitchen Friday, June 8 8:00am Yoga Saturday, June 9 7:45am Parish Hall in use Sunday, June 10 8:00am Holy Eucharist – Preacher: The Rev. Gwen Buehrens Concelebrant: The Rev. George Stevens 9:45am Childcare 10:00am Holy Eucharist – Preacher: The Rev. Gwen Buehrens Concelebrant: The Rev. George Stevens 11:00am Church Picnic and Farewell to The Rev. Gwen Buehrens 4:30pm Christ the King