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Christian Education Update

Recycling Wire Advent Wreaths After Christmas, we invite you to return the wire frame of your wreath to St. Mary’s for use again next November. This will help us to keep costs and waste down in 2010. There will be a marked box for recycling the frames in the Parish Hall at Coffee hour each Sunday during Epiphany.

Godly Play Adult Forum and “Open House” Sunday January 31, 11:15AM – 12 noon As many of you know, St. Mary’s has re-organized its K-5 Sunday School classrooms and begun a vibrant new Episcopal curriculum called Godly Play. Godly Play was created by an Episcopal priest and renowned expert in the development of spirituality of children, who co-taught children and youth with his wife for over 20 years. The program teaches sacred Biblical stories, parables and liturgical actions through story-telling with concrete tactile objects and biblical figures. These durable story-telling materials draw children more deeply into the stories, creating a sacred space in which children are invited to wonder and grow in spiritual relationship to God.

St. Mary’s adapted the language of Godly Play for our Christmas Pageant on December 20th and again in the Children’s Homily on Christmas Eve at the 5 p.m. service. Thanks to all our youth who made these events a success!

On January 31st, at Coffee Hour, Isabel Phillips is going to facilitate a discussion about Godly Play for the adults at St. Mary’s, including with a short video excerpt of a Godly Play lesson/story. She will also display some of the Godly Play materials donated to St. Mary’s thus far and distribute a list of materials that are still on our “wishlist.” We continue to be most grateful for the Godly Play donations we recently received earlier this year to get us started (a handmade wooden crèche from Haiti, an heirloom quality wooden Noah’s Ark, and sturdy wooden story materials to draw the children more deeply into Advent, Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost.) After the Adult Forum at coffee hour, we invite all those interested in viewing the range of story materials more closely to come downstairs and visit our classrooms.

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