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Christmas Service Schedule

Christmas Eve, December 24th We have two Christmas Eve services at St. Mary’s this year:

Our 5 p.m. service will be a special Christmas service with sermon, children’s homily, and Eucharist (Rite II). At the 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service on December 24, guest instrumentalist Andrea Bonsignore will play carol arrangements for oboe, accompanied by the organ, for the prelude and postlude. St Mary’s choir members, tenor Glen Wright, soprano Anayis Mampre Wright, and alto Lynn Edwards, will sing solos at the Offertory and Communion. The congregation will join in singing many familiar Christmas carols.

Our 10 p.m. service will be a formal Christmas Eve service with Sermon and Holy Eucharist (Rite II). The 10 p.m. Christmas Eve service will begin with a festive musical prelude at 9:40 p.m. The Adult Choir will sing Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, arranged for mixed choir by Julius Harrison. This well-known work begins and ends with the plainsong chant Hodie Christus natus est (Today Christ is born) and includes settings of 14th and 15th century English poems about the birth of Christ. The choir will be accompanied by Deborah Fabiciewicz, harpist.

Please join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ at these festive services on Christmas Eve!

Blessing in your Advent journey, The Reverend Ms. Margaret K. Schwarzer

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