St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Natick and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Newton are planning a joint mission trip to El Salvador in May 2008. This trip builds on the experiences of a prior trip that three people from St. Paul’s and St. Mary’s made to El Salvador in June 2007, as well as St. Mary’s historic relationship with Santa Maria Virgen in San Salvador.
The 10-day trip will include opportunities for worship and fellowship at Santa Maria Virgen, a tour of important historic and religious sites in El Salvador, and a work project contributing to the needs of the church and community in El Salvador.
Courtyard of our sister parish Santa Maria Virgen
Mission team visits Oscar Romero historic site
Episcopal Relief and Development constructing a new church, community center, and clinic in rural El Salvador
Due to constraints at our host parish in El Salvador, this trip is limited to twelve people, six each from St. Mary’s and St. Paul’s. If St. Mary’s does not fill its six slots, the empty slots will go to people on the waiting list for St. Paul’s. If you would like to go on this trip, please let Paul Pyzowski (617-331-3446, know as soon as possible, and in advance of the trip kick-off meeting on Sunday, December 9, 7:30PM, at St. Mary’s.
For more information on this trip, please see:
For background information on previous St. Mary’s mission trips to El Salvador, please see: