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Gift for the Care of Ben Gowdy-Chase

Ben Gowdy-Chase

As many of you have heard by now, Ben Gowdy-Chase, the son of longtime St. Mary’s rector Peter Chase, had a rock climbing accident in Kyrgystan last weekend. Ben lives is in Kyrgyzstan because he worked for the Peace Corps there for three years.

Information is still coming in, but we know that the fall was severe and that Ben had his first surgery at a hospital there. Peter and his daughter Gaelan have already travelled there to be with him. The cost of surgeries, long-term rehabilitation, and travel is extensive.

Out of our ongoing gratitude for the ministry of Peter and Abbie at St. Mary’s, and our love for Ben, we are sending a cash gift from St. Mary’s to Peter and Abbie.

If you would like to contribute, please make checks out to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and write, “Rector’s discretionary fund” on the memo line. Gifts will be pooled and sent as a single check. Checks may be delivered or mailed to the church office or handed to Reverend Paul.

Please have all checks to the office by Friday May 3.

With continuing prayers for Ben and the whole Chase family.

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