The Good News from January 19 is available for download: Good_News_2010_January_19.pdf
This issue includes an article adapted from a sermon delivered on January 10, the first Sunday after Epiphany, by The Reverend Ms. Margaret Schwarzer.
Luke tells us that after Jesus was baptized, “The heavens opened up.” Is it any wonder? The writer of the Gospel means this literally in his story, the heavens open because the spirit descends like a dove, but it is also true theologically: the divide between God and humanity was broken on the day of Jesus’ baptism. He stands with us and follows us into the water,and a path between heaven and earth becomes possible. The heavens open. The sin that bounds us will be quenched; the distance between God and people will dwindle, and we will discover a new face of God and a new way to be in communion with God. Jesus is the Creator’s beloved, and we are his.