The Good News from March 5 is now available for download:
This issue includes the article “Roman Catholcism as Seen Through the Eyes of a Rabbi”, adapted from a sermon preached by Rabbi Ron Weiss, St. Mary’s Rabbi-in-Residence, on Sunday, February 28.
I think I should also say to you that one of the reasons I am proud to live in this area, aside of course, from St. Mary’s of which I am very proud, is because of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, which is a close neighbor of yours, and because that church is the home of the Voice of the Faithful, an organization of Catholics who have attempted to move the larger Catholic church kicking and screaming into the 21st century. It’s difficult to tell yet what impact they have had, but they represent an aspect of the Roman church that allows us to know that the church is not monolithic, but in fact, like every religion that I am familiar with, it represents a spectrum running from highly conservative to ultra-liberal, with all the stops in between. As I say, this is true of every religion: Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, so that it makes it very difficult to speak in general terms of any religious tradition. One only needs as an example the Episcopal Church in Massachusetts or elsewhere in the US to see how wide is the spectrum, and how diverse is the make-up of your church.