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Jazz Service at St. Mary’s on Sunday, October 20, 2013

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Jazz Service at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

with Theodicy Jazz

Please join us on Sunday Morning at our 10:00 a.m. service. when the St. Mary’s Choir will be joined by Theodicy Jazz, a group of musicians committed to making justice real through the creative, spiritual power of music. Theodicy Jazz Collective was formed at Oberlin Conservatory in 2006 and developed both musically and theologically while in residence at Yale Institute of Sacred Music 2008-2012. Their mission of expanding religious tradition to reflect a more just society has taken them across the nation and to England. Theodicy has collaborated with congregations at: St. John the Divine, Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel (Wall Street), Oxford, Yale, and Cambridge Universities, the Cathedrals of Sheffield, Cleveland, Cincinatti and Canterbury, the New England ELCA General Assembly, and 21 faith communities in seven states. In 2012, Theodicy composed and premiered Canterbury Jazz Mass with the choir and organ at Canterbury Cathedral. To learn more about this group, please click on to their website: Website:

A quote from Martyn Percy, the Principal of the theological school at Oxford University:

“[Theodicy’s] music is stunning and inspiring, and beautifully performed. They came to lead a workshop here for our seminarians, and taught in a wonderful, inclusive and inspiring way. The seminarians here were deeply impressed, and we would have them back here any time they wanted. They inspired us with their music, teaching and spirituality. As you will already know, I think, the Theodicy Jazz Collective is committed to raising justice and peace issues real and vital through the creative, spiritual power of jazz music. From the perspective of the Collective, jazz conveys ideas of community, flexibility, and diversity – all of which are essential to the survival of the Church in our rapidly changing world. Inspired by jazz, blues, gospel, traditional hymns, and world music, Theodicy is one of the most remarkable innovations I have seen in the church in many, many years. I commend them to you warmly, and without reservation…this was one of the most seminal and uplifting teaching and worship sessions that our students have encountered.”

– Revd. Canon Prof. Martyn Percy, Principal at Ripon College, Oxford

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