The following letter was mailed to the parish this past week, with additional details on Peter’s retirement and the coming rector transition:
The topics discussed in this letter include: • An update on the Vestry’s meetings with the Bishop and Diocesan Office of Transition Ministry • Preliminary plans for Peter’s retirement celebration and other transition activities • The process the Vestry will follow to appoint the Search Committee to find a new rector • Some important dates coming up in May and June Let me note a few important items upfront. First, Peter’s final Sunday at Saint Mary’s will be Pentecost Sunday, May 31. More details will be provided closer to the date. Second, the Wardens and Vestry will need support from the entire parish membership to insure a successful transition, including volunteers to help with a number of transition projects, as well as for the Search Committee for a new rector. More details are provided in this letter. Third, the Vestry plans on having the Search Committee appointed by the time of Peter’s departure. If you have an interest in being considered for the Search Committee, please read this letter carefully and follow the instructions listed later in this letter. If you wish to be considered, or nominate someone else to be considered, for a position on the Search Committee, you need to express your interest by Sunday, April 26.