On Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday, the music will take us from the “Hosannas” of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the cries of anguish at the Cross. The service will begin with the Junior Choir singing “Hosanna” at the Blessing of the Palms as we prepare for the procession. The Adult Choir will sing Gabriel Fauré’s setting of the text of the Benedictus (Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna), and the Pange lingua by Kodaly during Communion.
Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. the Adult Choir will lead Passiontide hymns and sing Mozart’s Ave verum as we remember the Last Supper and strip the altar in preparation for Good Friday.
On Easter Sunday April 20, the sounds of trumpet and organ will fill the sanctuary as we celebrate the resurrection. The Junior Choir will sing the traditional American spiritual, The Angel Rolled the Stone Away. William Kasel, trumpeter, will join the Adult Choir in the celebratory anthem, O Praise Ye the Lord by G.F. Handel, and the choir and soloists will sing Surrexit Christus hodie (Christ the Lord is risen today) by the German baroque composer Samuel Scheidt. Congregation and choirs together will sing Easter hymns. Please join us on this festive day!
