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New Sunday School Class Times and Routines to Begin September 21!

Sunday School Schedule for September September 14 Holy Eucharist – Registration for Church School continues – Everyone in Church September 21 Holy Eucharist with Junior Choir – K-3 Children Start in Church; Welcome Back Barbeque September 28 Solemn Morning Prayer – K-3 Children Downstairs for Entire Service

Infants, Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers Childcare is provided for all infants, toddlers and preschoolers for the 10:00 a.m. service each Sunday. Parents may use their own discretion in bringing their young children to the 10:00 a.m. service, knowing that childcare is available if they need it or prefer it.

Children in Kindergarten – 3rd grade – New Routine! Sunday School for this age group will continue to be held during the 10:00 a.m. service. Several Sundays per month children K-3 will first come into church and sit with their families, and then leave at the second hymn to go downstairs for a snack and their respective Sunday school classes with Susan Waldo and Joanne Flatley. Peter Chase will briefly announce this for the first few Sundays until a pattern is established. Please bear with us as this new routine gets under way!

On “Junior Choir Sundays,” those K-3rd graders in the choir will exit to go downstairs for snack and class with their same age classmates at the second hymn. The children’s anthem will occur prior to the second hymn.

The acolytes will assist the K-3 children by leading the way; they will proceed down the aisles inviting them all downstairs for snack and class.

Children in 4th – 8th Grades – New – earlier time! Sunday School for older children in grades 4- 6 and those in grades 7-8 will be held prior to the 10:00 a.m. service from 9- 10 a.m. All are invited toattend at this earlier time. Volunteers in grades 7-8 will be invited to be “children’s greeters” in the vestibule before church, greeting all children and giving out children’s Gospel Grams with crayons as they enter the church sanctuary.

Coffee Hour will continue to be held immediately after the 10:00 a.m. service. All are welcome!

Thanks for all your help!

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