The Vestry met for its annual retreat on Sunday, October 5. The topic for this year’s retreat was advance planning for St. Mary’s 200th Anniversary in 2013. Among the items discussed were:
• Growing our membership, and retaining and engaging current members, are critical to maintaining a vital church. Suggestions for ways to do this include pairing up new/prospective and existing members, and a more robust adult education program.
• The Vestry will consider potential property projects that can increase our energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.
• As a parish, we should look at Outreach projects that can involve the entire congregation, e.g. bringing parish members from Santa Maria Virgen to St. Mary’s, and offering Spanish classes to St. Mary’s members.
More information will be provided at the Annual Meeting in January 2009. If anyone has an interest in serving on the steering committee for the 200th anniversary, please contact either Peter Chase or one of the Wardens.