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Outreach Opportunities


Rosie’s Place Coat Drive Rosie’s Place needs coats and jackets for those who will be shivering and cold. Winter coats needed – We welcome women’s or men’s coats. Please ensure that the coats are clean and in good condition. Many of our guests need larger sizes, so men’s coats are perfect. Plus we have many women who simply prefer the style of a man’s coat. We will gladly accept lighter jackets as well. Please put coats in plastic bin located under the bulletin board in the front hall. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Sabin at, or 781-444-5246.

Yarn Donations for Framingham Women’s PrisonDonations of yarn/needles to facilitate the crocheting program at the prison. The program teaches residents how to crochet blankets, scarves, hats, and mittens and sweaters; additionally it provides them with stress relief and skills to make their own items. If anyone has extra yarn they’d like to donate, please call Greta Cullison at 617-332-1182 or email her at or drop in donation box next to bulletin board in front hall.

Vincent Newborn Neccesities We are in need of clothing for Newborns – 6 months (boy, girl, unisex), Diaper wipes in tabletop or travel sizes (not bulk) & Maternity Clothes. Vincent Newborn Necessities is an outreach program in partnership with the Vincent Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital, providing clothing and other essentials for mothers and infants of the Chelsea Health Care Center. Please leave donations in box located under the bulletin board in the front hall. If you have any questions, contact Elisabeth Comer at or 781-772-2220.

Outreach – Salvation Army “Miracle Kitchen” Please consider volunteering at the Salvation Army in downtown Framingham or “Miracle Kitchen” on the first Thursday of every month St. Mary’s is responsible for preparing and serving a dinner there for 60 to 100 people. Dinner preparation starts around 4:30 p.m. and is served at 6:00 p.m. We have finished cleaning up by 6:45 p.m. You can volunteer for the whole time or just part of the time. Anyone over the age of 12 is welcome. We need a minimum of 5 people to prepare the food but more are sometimes helpful for serving and cleanup. We have a good time and our guests are very appreciative so hope you will consider volunteering. Please call the church office at 617-527-4769.

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Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462

(617) 527-4769

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