Noah Bullock and the 2007 Massachusetts Diocesan Mission Team at the site of the first recipient of microfinance funds from the Episcopal pilot program
A number of people have expressed interest in supporting microfinance initiatives as part of our outreach efforts. To support this, we have invited Noah Bullock to visit St. Mary’s on Wednesday, July 8 at 7:00PM. Noah recently completed a three-year stint as an Episcopal missionary in El Salvador where he led church efforts in community and economic development in the eastern part of El Salvador. This included overseeing the launch of the Diocese’s first microfinance program.
All interested church members are invited to attend.
At this meeting, Noah will be sharing his experiences in El Salvador. We will also be discussing specifically how St. Mary’s can support microfinance and related initiatives in El Salvador (and possibly elsewhere). As an example, this past year the Sunday School classes at Christ Church in Wayland raised money specifically for expanding the existing programs in El Salvador.
You can read more about Noah’s work in El Salvador here: