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Report on the 228th Diocesan Convention


Watching the Red Sox Duck Boats. The pediment sculpture is part of major renovations in progress at the Cathedral

The 228th Diocesan Convention

by John Turtle

On Saturday November 2, Anne and I as St. Mary’s Delegates attended the annual Convention at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. Among the main businessactions were the approval of the $6.5M Diocesan budget including a $2,200 increase in St Mary’s assessment to $46,367, elections for various Diocesan positions, and approving 5 resolutions.

This was Bishop Tom Shaw’s last convention; he spoke of his gratitude for the community life of the Diocese and announced that his retirement will be September 13, 2014. The new Bishop will be elected at a special convention on April 5 and the consecration is scheduled for September 14. One of the convention’s resolutions expressed our gratitude for Tom Shaw. It was passed with a unanimous standing ovation.

Bishop Gayle Harris gave a dramatic sermon about the racial challenges she has faced and observed even fifty years after the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. She challenged the Church to confront racism. We very much recommend watching this video of her sermon.

Bishop Tom gave a very nice meditation thanking the Diocese for his 20 years as Bishop. Here is the link to watch it:

An exciting interruption of the Convention was the passage of the Red Sox Duck Boat Parade along Tremont Street in front of the Cathedral. There was a live video of the parade on a large screen in the Cathedral.

If you are interested in additional details about the Convention, you can find more information on the Diocesan website: Anne or I can also answer questions.

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