The Greater Boston Food Bank’s objective is by 2013 to distribute enough food so that people in need in eastern Massachusetts can have at least one meal every day. The Food Bank has seen a 23% rise in requests for food in recent years. St. Mary’s just completed a major effort to help fight hunger with its very successful community yard sale. The proceeds from the yard sale will be be distributed to local food pantries. The Outreach Committee has also committed to working at the Greater Boston Food Bank to help inspect, sort and pack food and grocery products. We are scheduled to work the morning of Saturday, October 29th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Food Bank warehouse at South Bay Avenue in Boston. We hope to get a group of 20-30 people to attend. Volunteers must be 16 or older and carpooling can be arranged. Please email Mary Ellen McAndrews at memcandrews@comcast.net or let George Stevens know if you can join us. There is also a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the church hall.