Sunday, April 14
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare No Sunday School
10:00am Holy Eucharist
11:00am Coffee
11:15am Adult Forum: Episcopal 102
4:00pm Christ the King
Monday, April 15
Patriot’s Day – Office Closed
8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers)
Tuesday, April 16
7:30pm Vestry
Wednesday, April 17
3:00pm Margaret Coffin Prayer Book Society Meeting
Thursday, April 18
No Choirs Today
9:30am CTK – Chapter Rm
Friday, April 19
8:00am Yoga
Saturday, April 20
10:00am Clergy Meeting – Chapter Rm
Sunday, April 21
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
No Sunday School
10:00am Morning Prayer
11:00am Coffee
11:15am Adult Forum: Episcopal 102
4:00pm Christ the King
Sunday School Schedule Change
There will be no Sunday school for the next two Sundays (April 14 & 21). Sunday School will resume on April 28.