Remember to turn your clocks back one hour on morning of November 1 (end of Daylight Saving Time)
Sunday, November 1. 8:00am & 10:00am – Holy Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Ms. Margaret Schwarzer 9:00am Sunday School for grades 4 -5 and middle school 9:45am Childcare 10:00am K-3 Attend Church first; leave at start of 2nd Hymn with the teachers 11:00am Adult Forum on Special Music led by Kirsten Johnson Please Note: Childcare is available today during the Adult Forum 3:00pm Parish Hall in use – Cello Recital Monday, November 2 8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers) Tuesday, November 3 9:30am Holy Eucharist 10:00am WSM Board Meeting 7:00pm Craft Workshop Wednesday, November 4 6:30pm Sharing a New Song 7:30pm Search Committee Thursday, November 5 6:30pm Junior Choir 7:30pm Adult Choir Friday, November 6 Diocesan Convention Saturday, November 7 Diocesan Convention 7:00am Cradles to Crayons 9:30am Children’s Service Rehearsal