Thank you so much for sponsoring us in the 2015 Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 3rd! This year we opted for “desk jobs” at the Heart and Sole Registration Tent from 6:00 am – 9:00 am. We arrived at Boston Common at 5:45 am to take up our positions. We registered walkers, old and young, from Boston and environs and met one person from New York City who had made a special trip to join a friend in the Walk. We are truly grateful for the support of our friends at St. Mary’s!
“People who need help are not helpless people. In fact, high percentages of food insecure people work but don’t earn a living wage. Elderly people and younger disabled adults make up the rest of the group,” said Ellen Parker, executive director at Project Bread. “They have different stories and specific needs but like all of us, hungry people prefer help that affirms their personal dignity and acknowledges their strengths.”
“People who struggle want a hand up, a real chance to break the cycle of hunger and poverty in their own lives and in the life of their community. Hunger linked with a sense of helplessness is a downward spiral. Conversely, the actions and strategies that build sustainable community food security are place-based and shaped by those with first-hand knowledge of the problem,” continued Parker. “As the picture of hunger in Massachusetts continues to change, we need to find better and more varied solutions.” Funds raised from the Walk support a diverse set of initiatives ranging from emergency food programs to community meal programs, healthy meals for children enrolled in Head Start to Farm to School and urban agriculture programs.
If you have yet to complete your pledge, John and I will be at church on Sunday and can accept either cash or a check (made out to Walk for Hunger) to cover your pledge. Or if you have not yet made a donation and would like to make one, donations are still being accepted.
Thank you all very much!
–Anne and John