“Imagination does not become great until human beings use it to create.” -Dr. Maria Montessori, upon whose research Dr. Jerome Berryman based Godly Play
The new “Sunday School Year” begins! We have a new class for middle schoolers, new Godly Play materials, as well as new games and projects to last until next June. In August, I received an art grant from an NYC non-profit; I’m excited to bring some of these materials to Sunday School @ St Mary’s. Please remember to register your child and ask him/her to make a name tag. The registration table is outside the Godly Play Classroom. Please find a Schedule of Lessons on the Godly Play Classroom Door. As you peruse the 2016/17 Schedule of Godly Play lessons, please note the addition of “work days.” These special Sundays require no manual labour on the part of our children! Rather, they’re important days to “work” – finish a project, ask for a lesson on a material which ignites curiosity, start a conversation, and share a snack. As we learn and grow, together in faith, each Sunday is full of opportunity for spiritual enrichment. We welcome weekly volunteers; there’s a sign up sheet on the registration table. Please Join Us!
–Shelby White, Director of Youth Ministry and Education