Doing What You Love; Claiming Your Spiritual Gifts It seems that people who are active in church life are often better at articulating what other people do well then articulating what we, ourselves, do well. When we are asked to look at ourselves objectively, many of us can get tongue-tied. Nevertheless, scripture teaches us that real joy and real humility require us to recognize and live out of the places of our truest and deepest talents. Please join Margaret from 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in the Chapter Room on Sunday, May 16th to reflect on God’s invitation to claim – and act on- the gifts which are uniquely ours. What were you built for? (Child care will be offered.)
Acolyte Recognition At this Sunday’s 10:00 a.m. service, we will take a few moments to express the appreciation of all of the St. Mary’s community for the wonderful contributions made this year by our team of acolytes and their families. It has been a particularly gratifying experience to witness the growth in how our acolytes participate in our worship and continue to bond, with our senior acolytes assuming more of a mentoring role.