The Reverend Gwen Buehrens
Calendar for the Upcoming Week
Sunday, June 10
8:00am Holy Eucharist
Preacher: The Rev. Gwen Buehrens
Cocelebrant: The Rev. George Stevens
9:45am Childcare 9:45am Sunday School
10:00am Holy Eucharist
Preacher: The Rev. Gwen Buehrens
Cocelebrant: The Rev. George Stevens
11:00am Picnic
4:30pm Christ the King
Monday, June 11
8:30am Yoga
12:45am Staff Meeting
8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers)
Tuesday, June 12 7:30pm Hills and Falls Board Meeting.
Wednesday, June 13
8:30am Parish Hall in Use
7:30pm Outreach Meeting
Thursday, June 14
9:30am CTK – Chapter Room
Friday, June 15
8:00am Yoga
Saturday, June 16
3:00pm – 8:00pm Parish Hall in Use for Recital
Sunday, June 17
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
10:00am Holy Eucharist and Baptism
11:00am Coffee Hour
4:30pm Christ the King