We will have a collection box in the Narthex. Please bring Juice…Apple, Cranberry, cans and plastic containers (NO Glass Bottles)… also juice boxes. The food pantry cannot accept any products that have expired.
Thank you for joining other Houses of Worship to support the Wellesley Food Pantry with our Wellesley Interfaith Food Drive. We have so much to be thankful for and know by our faith….that it is better to give than to receive. The Interfaith Food Drive will take place over a four week period. For the four weeks we suggest everyone gather the products assigned to your church or synagogue….or Roche Brothers $10.00 Gift Certificates. We suggest you request the congregation to bring food/Certificates to your worship service for the weeks of March 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 22nd. Then on Saturday April 4th we ask that you gather all the food that you have collected, sorted and boxed and then deliver it to the Assembly Room at The Wellesley Hills Congregational church by 9:00am. There we will celebrate the abundance of gifts and all help to put the food into the Food Pantry (which is housed in the Hills Congregational Church). Light refreshments will be available for the celebration. We will also need volunteers from each House of Worship to help with separating and putting the food away in the Pantry. Please take every opportunity to promote the Food Drive in your monthly, weekly or daily publications at your church or synagogue. The Food Pantry is so thankful for all our help. They have identified the products that they need most at the Food Pantry now. So you will see we have assigned products for your congregation to gather. Please for these four weeks, collect these products only. As you will see, we have asked for St Mary’s to collect only Juice….Apple, Cranberry etc..or juice boxes. Juice can be in plastic or cans. (No glass please). By designating certain food items, it helps the Food Pantry manage the needs of their clients. Volunteers from the Food Pantry will deliver 5 Special Boxes to you the week of February 23, 2009. Please use these boxes to gather the food. A detailed instruction sheet will be on each box. Thank you so much for joining in this very exciting Interfaith opportunity. Sincerely, Becky Epstein Moderator, Wellesley Hills Congregational Church Harriet Warshaw President, Temple Beth Elohim