Women of St. Mary’s Annual Christmas Party and Outreach
Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 p.m.
Every woman at St. Mary’s is invited to join in an evening of sharing with others through donations to Rosie’s Place, dining together (potluck), singing Christmas carols, and enjoying an old fashioned Yankee swap. It’s an action-packed evening!
This year Rosie’s Place has asked for donations for needy and isolated women. Suggested donations include $25 gift cards (Walgreen’s, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Payless Shoes, CVS, Stop and Shop, Old Navy, T.J. Maxx, Marshall’s and Target); toiletry or make-up kits (NOT travel size); sheets (new); movie passes; and scarf, hat and glove sets. Gifts are to be donated UNWRAPPED. There will be a collection box if you prefer to make a monetary donation which will then be used to purchase items for Rosie’s.
Please bring a small, wrapped present ($5 – $10) for the Yankee gift swap. Gifts range from serious to hilarious with lots of chuckles along the way, all in good fun.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Guests are welcome — please invite anyone who might enjoy some fellowship and participating in this annual event at St. Mary’s.
Hostesses: Jane Sabin janesabin75@gmail.com and Anne Turtle anne.turtle@verizon.net . Please contact us if you have questions.