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Youth Collaborative Event for Middle Schoolers: Love Your Neighbor Scavenger Hunt and Adventure &#82

March 5 – March 6, 2010, from either Friday 4PM to Saturday morning 10AM, or just on Friday 4PM to 8:30PM

You find yourself broke, homeless and hungry in Newton Centre, with only your backpack. · Where will you eat? · Where will you sleep? · Where will you shower? · Who will help you? Walk with your neighbors in their holey hungry shoes. Explore obstacles confronting our neighbors living at the margins of society, through a Scavenger Hunt in Newton Centre. Eat only what you can afford. Watch a movie about one family’s life on the street. Sleep outside in a shelter that you build. Then create a 4-minute YouTube video to share what you learn with others. Youth are also welcome to attend Friday afternoon/evening events and leave after dinner, without staying for the movie (The Pursuit of Happyness), sleepover, and breakfast.

This event will be held at the Parish of Saint Paul, 1135 Walnut Street, Newton Highlands. Please let Isabel Phillips know if your middle schooler is interested in attending, or if you would be willing to be a chaperone for our youth in this event. More information and a registration form can be downloaded below:

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